Emily Stover crosses design disciplines to create public art installations and engaging experiences in and about public space. Using her background in architecture, landscape architecture, and urbanism, she questions our complex relationships to each other and the land we inhabit. Past work includes a seasonal market in a public park, a mobile kitchen for making and sharing food, and an interactive light installation on an energy utility. As an instructor and researcher at the University of Minnesota College of Design, she focuses on creative problem-solving and innovation practices in the public sector.
Amanda Lovelee is an artist who translates between cities and people with the goal of building an environment everyone wants to inhabit. Her work explores how and where people connect within contemporary society. Projects focusing on civic engagement include Pop Up Meeting, a city popsicle truck for collecting resident input on public projects, and Urban Flower Field, a vacant lot transformed into a gathering space and living science project. She has an MFA in Visual Studies from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and BFA in Photography from University of Hartford.